
Born and raised in Romania, at 24 I made my big move to the United States to start my career as a family physician. As a doctor my focus is on lifestyle, and I find photography goes hand in hand with health and wellbeing. Observing and exploring combined with photography is a form of therapy.My interest in photography began when I started noticing then carefully searching to capture naturally occurring patterns in the sky and in nature. The patterns of the movement reveal the power of nature and its beauty, which evokes an emotional response.Photography is a dynamic art form. One picture in a room changes the entire room’s energy.
My local environment, Florida’s East Coast, is the main source of inspiration. My photography illustrates seascapes and landscapes and offer a wide variety of colors, moods, subjects, and photo techniques. I sell my work in a few local art galleries as well as online. I offer my work as high quality canvas prints, metal prints, fine art prints, acrylic or wood up to 90” in size, and as high-quality printed coffee table books.
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